The Ancient Wisdom of The Gingko Tree

Gingko trees are regarded as
living fossils

Gingko trees are regarded as living fossils because they can live for thousands of years. Their ancestors first existed more than two and half millions years ago and they are one of the oldest living tree species in the world. Gingko trees originated in China and the Far East regions, before countries such as Japan and Korea existed.

In ancient China Gingko Biloba is referred as Silver seed (銀果) or Grandfather Grandson Tree, acknowledging its longevity. Today, it is commonly known as 銀杏 (Silver Prunus of the almond family) or it is known as White seed (⽩果) in specific Mandarin speaking areas.  In some parts of the world Ginkgo is also known as the Maidenhair tree because of the appearance of its leaves. The name Gingko is a pronunciation of the Japanese word translated to the sound of the current English name.

A symbol of wisdom and longevity

Gingko is a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Like most plants, it has medicinal properties. Today, the most well-known of its many medicinal benefits are improving memory and enhancing blood flow/circulation.

Gingko Tree and Chinese Medicine

Because of their longevity, Gingko trees may take up to thirty years to produce seeds. As a result, when a man plants a Gingko tree it will benefit his grandson, hence the name Grandfather Grandson Tree (公孫樹). Interestingly, the name Grandfather Grandson appears elsewhere; in Western acupuncture, Spleen 4 (Sp4) is the point referred to in Chinese Traditional Medicine as the Grandfather Grandson point. The same point is also the master point to access Penetrating Vessel or Chong Mai (沖脈) in the other set of Meridians called the Eight Extraordinary Channels (奇經八脈). When Penetrating Vessel is activated, this point, Sp4 or Grandfather Grandson, carries a double charge and is extremely potent.

The point Sp4 can also be named Yellow Emperor, and Gongsun, from the pronunciation of Grandfather Grandson in Mandarin.

Spleen meridian is also known as the Leg Tai Yin (Greater Yin, ⾜太陰). Grandfather Grandson is also an ancient family name in China - a rare double name. It is still in use, albeit rarely, and these families are still highly regarded. This family name originated more than 5000 years ago in ancient China; it was a family name for the elite, noble families assisting the Kings (before Imperialism was established).  The exact origin of where the name came from is unknown and there are many theories behind this.

Gingko trees seem timeless, as if time stands still around them.  They witness turbulence and peace. Their wisdom accumulates through time and the changes of history. History does repeat itself. What wisdom do they see but we do not?

A Journey of a Thousand li commenced with a single step

“The tree which fills the arms grew from the tiniest sprout; the tower of nine storeys rose from a (small) heap of earth; the journey of a thousand li (miles) begins with a single step.”

~Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)


Self Love and Acceptance